Friday, October 21, 2016

Making Progress on Your Invention

At the beginning of ever year, people make resolutions, goals they want to meet. But this can get old fast as you recall past years of unfinished dreams. It's time to make a change. Invention success is possible and we can help you see it through to the finish line!

There are always going to be excuses for putting off plans. These excuses get in your way and cause you to delay your goal. Then you start finding year after year, you've made little progress. And that gets upsetting. It’s time for a shift in strategy so you can achieve your goal, invention success!

1. Explore the core. What’s preventing you from moving forward? Fear is a common reason for putting off working on your invention. Remind yourself there will always be hurdles but do your best, keep moving forward and learn from every hurdle. However, most independent inventors’ need professional assistance taking their idea from concept to store shelves.

2. Decide what invention success means to you. Once you understand your goal you can figure out what is holding you back and then continue to move forward. Our team can provide the invention assistance necessary to have you presenting your patent pending concept to the world’s leading manufacturers and retailers in a protected, credible manner.

3. Get professional assistance. Many successful entrepreneurs started from zero or in debt and decided to take a leap of faith. No one knows how to do everything or how everything works. Taking a new product from concept to store shelves is a challenging endeavor, and that’s why choosing the right company to assist you is as important as the idea you’re bringing to the marketplace. We can help!

Do you have the next million-dollar idea, invention or an improvement to an existing product, but don’t know what to do, how to get started or who to trust? Would you like to patent your idea and be paid royalties? We can help you patent and market your invention! Call today 702-912-2600


Monday, October 3, 2016

Keep Positive

It’s important to surround yourself with helpful and positive allies. There are plenty of negative people out there—avoid them! Their negative attitudes will only bring you down and be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. Inventor Process, Inc. has only one mission; We empower inventors!
Taking a new product from concept to store shelves is a challenging endeavor. Even in the worst of times, realize by actively pursuing your idea you have a greater chance of success. Remind yourself of all you have achieved regarding your invention. Keep a daily journal to capture the progress you have accomplished and as a reminder to yourself of your long term goal. Actively acknowledging the current progress will help you stay positive, even if you get a curve ball.
Many of us are resistant to change. We must learn to accept that change will happen. The only constant in life is change. There’s a lot of truth to that, as we continually go through changes, whether good or bad. Try to look for the positive aspect in every stage. Accept it and try to make it better. Maybe this change is for the best and success is around the corner. With the power of positive thinking, you move one step closer to the goal!
Success favors the prepared. We couple experience, expertise and knowledge with honesty, integrity and ethics. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. We’re here to help, and we’ll keep your information confidential.
“Innovation… the result of dreams and persistence!”
 — Edward Ayres