Thursday, November 17, 2016

You Can Do it!

At some point in life, we get to a place where we feel like giving up. Many times we give up just before we’re about to make a huge break-through. I have created this list of reasons why you should never give up! Stay strong, YOU can do it!
The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you’re dead. If you are alive, you have the choice to keep trying until you succeed. You CAN and WILL achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.
Be Realistic
The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost non-existent. Everything takes time to learn and you will make mistakes. Learn from them.
You are stronger than you think. One little setback is not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Neither are 10 or 100 or 1000 setbacks. Face your fears and don’t take the easy way out by giving up.
Don’t sell yourself short. In life, there are going to be many people who will try to bring you down and tell you what you want to achieve is impossible. Don’t let anyone destroy your dreams. When you achieve what you set out to achieve, you can use your success to make a difference in the world and in other people’s lives. Dream Big!
There will always be haters. There will always be plenty of naysayers and people who try to tear you down. Don’t pay attention to them and don’t take what they say to heart. Let the haters hate and you keep believing in yourself. You Can Do it!
Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Who knows what someone else can achieve because you never gave up and in turn inspired them not to give up. SUCCESS!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Making Progress on Your Invention

At the beginning of ever year, people make resolutions, goals they want to meet. But this can get old fast as you recall past years of unfinished dreams. It's time to make a change. Invention success is possible and we can help you see it through to the finish line!

There are always going to be excuses for putting off plans. These excuses get in your way and cause you to delay your goal. Then you start finding year after year, you've made little progress. And that gets upsetting. It’s time for a shift in strategy so you can achieve your goal, invention success!

1. Explore the core. What’s preventing you from moving forward? Fear is a common reason for putting off working on your invention. Remind yourself there will always be hurdles but do your best, keep moving forward and learn from every hurdle. However, most independent inventors’ need professional assistance taking their idea from concept to store shelves.

2. Decide what invention success means to you. Once you understand your goal you can figure out what is holding you back and then continue to move forward. Our team can provide the invention assistance necessary to have you presenting your patent pending concept to the world’s leading manufacturers and retailers in a protected, credible manner.

3. Get professional assistance. Many successful entrepreneurs started from zero or in debt and decided to take a leap of faith. No one knows how to do everything or how everything works. Taking a new product from concept to store shelves is a challenging endeavor, and that’s why choosing the right company to assist you is as important as the idea you’re bringing to the marketplace. We can help!

Do you have the next million-dollar idea, invention or an improvement to an existing product, but don’t know what to do, how to get started or who to trust? Would you like to patent your idea and be paid royalties? We can help you patent and market your invention! Call today 702-912-2600


Monday, October 3, 2016

Keep Positive

It’s important to surround yourself with helpful and positive allies. There are plenty of negative people out there—avoid them! Their negative attitudes will only bring you down and be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. Inventor Process, Inc. has only one mission; We empower inventors!
Taking a new product from concept to store shelves is a challenging endeavor. Even in the worst of times, realize by actively pursuing your idea you have a greater chance of success. Remind yourself of all you have achieved regarding your invention. Keep a daily journal to capture the progress you have accomplished and as a reminder to yourself of your long term goal. Actively acknowledging the current progress will help you stay positive, even if you get a curve ball.
Many of us are resistant to change. We must learn to accept that change will happen. The only constant in life is change. There’s a lot of truth to that, as we continually go through changes, whether good or bad. Try to look for the positive aspect in every stage. Accept it and try to make it better. Maybe this change is for the best and success is around the corner. With the power of positive thinking, you move one step closer to the goal!
Success favors the prepared. We couple experience, expertise and knowledge with honesty, integrity and ethics. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. We’re here to help, and we’ll keep your information confidential.
“Innovation… the result of dreams and persistence!”
 — Edward Ayres

Friday, September 16, 2016

What does “in the know” mean?

Invention success is not only about the ‎invention but about who you know... What does this mean? Do I need to have friends who develop products? Do I need family in the industry to be successful? Does my spouse need to be a patent attorney to guarantee product protection?

When inventing a new idea millions of thoughts start spinning around which can cause the inventor to second guess everything concerning the product. Rest assured the answer to these questions is “No.” To be “in the know,” as an inventor, you will need an expert who is “in the know” regarding the “Invention World!”

As far as inventions are concerned, we describe being “in the know” as the ability to:

1.      Effectively protect new products
      2.      Planning and implementing a strategic course of action
3.      Convincingly presenting new products
4.      Knowledge of industries related to the invention
5.      Negotiating fair royalties for inventors
6.      Developing relationships with key decision-makers from various industries
Taking a new product from concept to store shelves is a challenging endeavor with no guarantees of success, and that’s why choosing the right company to assist you is as important as the idea you’re bringing to the marketplace. Inventor Process, Inc. has only one mission, helping inventors. Our team brings to the table decades of combined experience in invention development, patenting, marketing, and royalty negotiations. We couple experience, expertise and knowledge with honesty, integrity and ethics. We are your Invention Experts!

Our team helps independant inventors every step of the way starting with product protection. Documentation is the first step in invention protection. Our technical writers will craft a thorough written description of the invention in clear and definite terms. Our team of 3-D artists will create multiple high-quality illustrations of the innovation. A registered patent attorney/agent will utilize the written description and illustrations to prepare and file a patent on the invention. The IP team will create the marketing materials that bring the invention to the attention of companies and then substantiate its potential. And when the time comes, our highly-skilled negotiators are ready to negotiate the most lucrative agreement possible in an effort to maximize invention success.

Our track record for “in the know” industry experts was validated again when we hosted an event with the president and key executives from Infomercials, Inc. Our inventors had the opportunity to pitch thier product to the pros, the nation’s most successful As Seen on TV company! And we’ll negotiate the licensing agreement for the selected products. We help with Invention Success!
Get “in the know” and contact us today for help!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Motivate Yourself

For most inventors, motivation comes in waves. Some days we hop out of bed, ready to take on the world and the next day we do nothing… Inventors need a system to make achieving invention success as easy as possible — even when motivation is low.

Step 1: Be prepared for the Unknown
Successful inventors aren’t luckier than most people. But they do try more things, and they’re willing to take a risk for success. Don’t be blindsided by failure and give up when it strikes. Pursue your invention because success comes with persistence.
Take Action:
1. Make a list of your goals.
2. Create a plan to achieve your goals.
3. Think about what could go wrong and have a plan of action.

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” - Kurt Vonnegut

Step 2: Mark your Calendar
The fundamentals — things like a simple calendar, pen and paper — work if you are ready. Execution is important if you plan to achieve invention success. Keep thinking ahead and you’ll never be pressed for time!

Take Action:
1. Map out your schedule for the week on your calendar.
2. Review every week to ensure all tasks were completed and then plan the next week.

“Give me but a firm spot on which to stand, and I shall move the earth.”Archimedes

Step 3: Develop Focus
Sometimes we have external distractions: an emergency, family demands, or work gets busy. As inventors, we sometimes cannibalize one goal by shifting focus to another. Developing focus and being able to put some ideas on hold is a skill that almost guarantees we make progress on what matters, invention success!

Take Action:
1. Prioritize your goals.
2. Grab a pen & paper and write it down.

“I had made up my mind to find that for which I was searching ever if it required the remainder of my life.” - Alexander Graham Bell

Thursday, August 4, 2016

“As Seen On TV” Opportunity Available

You’ve seen the commercials, you know the ones that always say, “but wait there’s more, call now and will throw in a second one for Free!” Have you ever wondered why you see them so often? The simple answer, they work. The right Direct Response TV company can take an idea and turn it into an overnight success. Does your product have what it takes to be the next As Seen on TV hit? Here’s your chance to find out!

Inventor Process, Inc., your trusted invention experts, is proud to announce we’ll be hosting the president and key executives from Infomercials, Inc. September 13th. This is your opportunity to pitch your product to the nation’s most successful As Seen on TV company!

Each inventor, with a qualifying product, will be given a few minutes to meet with and pitch the pros. This is your cost and obligation Free way to achieve a major goal, invention success.

Event Details
Date: 9/13/16
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Must Have: Working Prototype (even if it’s ugly)
Presentation time: 5 to 7 minutes

Product Qualification Requirements
NOTE: You don’t have to meet them all, but you should meet most.
  1. Broad Audience: Most households in America could use this product.
  2. Explainable: Product must be tangible and demonstrable.
  3. Frequent Usage: Must be a product that will get frequently used.
  4. Marketability: Product MUST generate excitement and/or have “wow” factor.
  5. Low Public Awareness: The product must not already be in major retail stores or available for sale on multiple websites.
  6. Problem Solver: Product solves a problem no other product can or solves a problem FAR BETTER than any other product. (Does not apply to Kid’s Products)
  7. Pricing: The Price of the product must seem like a good deal.
  8. Quality: Product, once produced, must appear to be of good quality.
  9. Uniqueness: The product must not be too similar to other products on the market.
  10. Price Range: The product must fall between $5 and $1000 dollars.
Please: No ingestible, things you take into your body such as diet pills, and no intangibles, such as business strategies or marketing plans.

The news only gets better! If your product is selected, you pay nothing. Infomercials Inc. funds everything. They fund and manage 100% of the entire campaign including the infomercial, the inventory, and the TV airtime. You’ll always remain the owner of your product, and collect a fair royalty.

If you think you have a winning product, and are ready for As Seen on TV success, then contact Inventor Process, Inc. Inventor Process’ alliance with Infomercials, Inc. may very well help you become successful with your idea!

Contact us immediately if you want to take part in this ASOTV opportunity.

Inventor Process, Inc.
Call: 702-912-2600 – Reference “As Seen On TV”
Email: – Subject line “As Seen On TV”

Monday, July 18, 2016

Success can Start with Failure

Blog by Kristen

“When you see someone who’s very successful, you almost imagine that it was a foregone conclusion, that they’re a genius, that they were destined for great things,” says Seth Fiegerman a Senior Business Reporter at Mashable. But behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort, a stumble, a setback or a radical change of direction. If you don’t step out, you’ll never know if your invention will succeed. Successful inventors calculate the risk-vs-reward; if it’s a winning equation they take a chance.

The problem for inventors is not that they make mistakes. The real problem is that they don’t use those mistakes to lead them to success. Because shame is currently attached to mistakes, inventors become timid which causes them to miss their opportunity for invention success. If we turn mistakes into a learning opportunities, everything changes.

Success follows someone who works towards a goal to get things done rather than someone who waits for things to happen. Great successes are a result of tenacity and the mindset of never giving up. If you quit, you lose. Keep moving forward, big or small steps.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

Let us help you find the way that works. Inventor Process, Inc. is a professional invention marketing firm. We can help you patent, market & succeed. Contact us for the assistance you can count on.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

5 Rules to Follow If You Want to Become Successful

5 Rules to Follow If You Want to Become Successful

Blog by Kristen Ayres

If you want to be successful, you have to adopt the right mind set. Determine your goal, and then move forward with the necessary action to achieve it.

1. Can-Do Attitude
Success follows someone who works towards a goal to get things done rather than someone who waits for things to happen.

A Dreamer is someone who thinks of ideas.
An Inventor is someone who takes action on their ideas.

2. Persistence
The great successes are a result of tenacity and the mindset of never giving up. If you quit, you lose. Keep moving forward, big or small steps.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb

3. Be Passionate
Your work is going to fill up a large part of your life. You need to enjoy it to perform at your best. You want to enjoy and have passion for what you’re doing.

If you love what you are doing, you’ll be successful.

4. Take a Chance
You’ll never know if your invention will succeed unless you try. Successful inventors calculate the risk-vs-reward; if it’s a winning equation they take a chance. Get involved and do the research.

“A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.” – Albert Einstein

5. Be Boss!
This means you must go the extra mile. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the effort you give. Effort leads to success!

“Innovation… the result of dreams and persistence!” – Edward Ayres

Monday, May 23, 2016

Move Toward Your Goals

Blog by Kristen Ayres

We all want to live the life of our dreams but few of us do. We are scared to take the leap into pursuing our passions. The hardest part is getting started… Here are some steps to help you “Move Toward Your Goals!”

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney
  1. Realize your ability
Find your strengths and capitalize on them. Your dream life is possible!
  1. Design a plan
Design a plan that symbolizes the life you want to live and the steps you need to take to get there. Seek advice and review your plan on a weekly basis, as this will help keep you on track.
  1. Embrace your steps
Refine your path and always move forward daily in whatever ways you can.
  1. Reflect on your successes
What have you done that worked in the past, and what could make it better in the future? Reflecting on your plan daily can help you keep a laser-focus on your dreams.
  1. Take hold of your dream
Your dreams matter, and you can be your dream self if you try and never give up. Before you can achieve it, you have to believe it!

“I’m open for possibilities. I’m open for choices. I always welcome new ideas. I’m always eager to learn. I’m never going to close my mind from learning.” – Cesar Millan